This is the newsletter for the Yoga Community at Andrew’s Greenhouse.

Yoga Outside’s Origin Story

Shortly after I retired from teaching elementary school in 2016, Paul and I spent ten days in Southern California visiting our daughter who had recently moved to Dana Point.

Susie told me about Yoga in the Park, a daily, free, donation-based outdoor yoga class just walking-distance from their apartment. I went every morning - a stunning location on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Some days there were eight people, some days there were eighty. Most days we practiced in beautiful sunshine; one day it poured rain, and we held our downward dogs in splashing puddles. I loved every minute. It had been years since I had actually practiced for longer than a few minutes ten days in a row.

On the flight home, I told Paul, “I could offer something like that at home. Sure, we don’t have year-round beautiful weather, but New Englanders are tough. They’d come to practice outside every day. Wouldn’t they? I just need to find a park and arrange it with the town.”

Two days later, a former colleague texted me. My sister-in-law wants to offer yoga outdoors at the greenhouse. Do you know anyone who might be interested in teaching?

Sometimes, beautiful things just fall into your lap.

Thank you, Sue and Jacqui. Yoga Outside is the gift that keeps on giving.

Here’s to eight summers (and counting)!

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A newsletter for the Yoga Outside community at Andrews Greenhouse


Having had many careers: field hockey/lacrosse coach, science teacher, stay-at-home mom, bodyworker, elementary teacher, I am grateful to spend my retirement with the spirit-enriching practices of yoga and writing, the warp and woof of a long life.
A daily Yoga practice inspires me to live an awakened life. I enjoy sharing time with my children, walks in nature, getting my hands dirty in the garden, and a bustling kitchen full of joyful collaboration and the aroma of yummy things to eat.